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Updated: Jul 6, 2019

why you should use wordpress may intrigue you a little the actual reason may be different according to what you want to do or what you are aiming for the most important website builder and the most popular too you can costumize it anyway

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wordpress login site ,wordpress is most popular cms the reason why you should use wordpress

so if you are planning to ditch wordpress then you must consider this

1.most popular CMS

codes on laptop screen
wordpress has an easiest cms

WordPress holds the largest CMS market share by far, and currently accounts for over a quarter of all websites. As a result, many users are already familiar with the WordPress requiring less staff training when building a new site.

2.self hosted and plugin vereity

plugins on wordpress site

WordPress can be self-hosted, so there are no costs associated with downloading, installing, and upgrading. There are more than 50,000 wordpress plugins (often free), such as slideshows, contact forms, SEO optimization, etc.

3.its free just pay for the domain and web hosting

two pc monitors with forests as wallpaper

WordPress is a free software. It means you are free to download, install, use and modify it to match your needs. You can use it to create any kind of website. While the WordPress software itself is free, you need a domain name and web hosting to install it. A domain name is the address of your website on the internet. This is what your users type in their browser’s address bar to access your website (foreg Web hosting is your website’s storehouse where all your website documents are stored.WordPress is popular because it meets the demands of every users with its flexible framework, which allows designers and developers to create and modify layouts and applications

4. easy to use

one imac pc and white laptop

WordPress incurs fewer setup, customization, and maintenance costs in comparison to other Open Source CMS like Drupal and Joomla. A large portion of people using WordPress are neither web designers nor programmers. As a matter of fact, most folks start using WordPress without any prior knowledge of designing websites.

For non-tech savvy folks, WordPress is the perfect solution because there are thousands of free website templates (themes) that you can choose from. There is a perfect WordPress theme for just about every kind of website (whether it’s a blog, business site, or an online store).

5.push your business higher on search engines

one man with red shirt explaining to a girl in blue top and cargo pants

WordPress is written using standard compliance high-quality code and produces semantic markup. In non-geek terms, this makes Google and other search engines love WordPress.

This is why WordPress sites tend to rank higher than others in search engines.

6.can make a variety of websites

a white laptop

The list is endless, but here’s a taste of the types of websites you can make with WordPress:


Business websites



ECommerce sites

Ratings websites

Membership sites

eLearning modules



Personal websites for self-promotion

Job boards

Business directories

Q&A websites like Quora

Non-profit websites for collecting donations

Wikis and knowledgebases

Media-centric sites like YouTube

Auction and coupon sites

Clearly, the list goes on and on. software

an imac pro with browser open

WordPress can be used by anyone. The userbase isn’t limited by pricing, premium customer support, or even skill level. Sure, there are plenty of things to learn about WordPress, but any person could play around with the dashboard for ten minutes and start to absorb how the interface works

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